Monday, December 30, 2013

A quiet year

This was a very quiet blogging year. Is you look what I have blogged you would think I have only baked some pies and stitched a bit and that was it. Well yeah that is almost true. I haven't done much quilting. My bikingtrip this year was very very wet, but all in all it was a nice trip for the most part in Germany.
Stitching wise I finished St. Nick which is a big accomplishment.
Bakingwise I have done a lot, but I am posting that on a foodblog which is in dutch.
Maybe next year you will hear a bit more from me.
Happy New year!


Unknown said...

OMG that cake looks delicious! What kind is it! Would love the recipe!

Chookyblue...... said...

I agree the cake looks great.....have a lovely 2014.....

Jeanne said...

It is so hard to make time in our lives to keep up with blogging....we already don't have enough time for our hobbies let alone keeping up with everyone else. I hope you have a good 2014 and have time to let us see what you're working on from time to time.