Friday, April 15, 2011

St Nick

Yes after a lot of other stitching stuff and also a lot of quilting St Nick in his study is back on my lap and I finished page 7. I am back in love with it and am going to stitch some more on it. Well the pic at the left is how it was the 12th of december and the right pic is how it looks now.
I am also very busy with getting our big biketrip for this year planned. Saturday I have to stay up late to book the ticket for the TGV from Bayonne to Amsterdam to get it as cheap as possible. The trip will take us in 3 weeks to Pamplona and than back to Bayonne and we will be in 10 hours back in Hoorn. And than the next day it is time to work again. LOL is that a tight shedule or not.

Ja mensen vroegen al waarneer ik weer aan St Nick ging borduren, nou dat deed ik alweer dik een week en nu is pagina 7 af. De linker foto is van 12 december en de rechter foto van nu.
Ik ben ook erg druk bezig om onze grote fietsreis van dit jaar te regelen. Zaterdagnacht lig ik virtueel voor het treinstation om zo goedkoop mogelijk tickets voor de terugreis te regelen, daar kan echt honderden euro's verschil tussen zitten. Wel apart we doen er 3 weken over om in Pamplona te komen en in ongeveer 10 uur zijn we weer thuis. Wel zo gepland dat we de volgende dag gelijk weer gaan werken.  Nou alleen nog hopen dat de operatie helemaal goed verloopt.


Karen said...

Great progress on St. Nick!! Have a great bike trip - don't be late for work :)

Nancy in IL said...

Smokey, I love St. Nick! It's looking awesome. Thanks for letting us know that your surgery is the 16th of May. I'll be thinking of you and praying that it works out well.

EvalinaMaria said...

Wow, that's what I call progress!!! Congratulations on so much done and good luck with the surgery.

Berna said...

Je borduurwerk is weer een behoorlijk stuk opgeschoten. Ik hoop dat het is gelukt met de tickets.

Dineke said...

Je schiet met deze ook weer flink op Judith. Is het gelukt met de kaartjes?

chrisstitches said...

Very detailed! Love the St. Nick!

MaryT said...

St Nick is really coming along Judith. I know I'm goint to love seeing him come to life just like your Little Red Riding Hood

Mary Louise

Jeanne said...

It is truly beautiful! I so admire you working such a huge project! I can't imagine ever getting something that big completed.

Nancy M said...

Love the Christmas themed HAED, keep up the great work!