Also finished two other things but both are for exchanges, so pics will follow later.
I am a woman from the Netherlands. I am married to John and we have a cat called Sjors. I love stitching and quilting very much and most post will be about that.
Here is the quilt for my nephew which he will received saturday when we visit my brother. I just love how it came out.
And here is the Rosesquilt from my mother. I bought the kit for her in France, it was a pattern that has also been published in the Magic Patch. It is even more beautifull in real life. The wall you see behind it I have painted when they moved. It hangs in their bedroom.
I am now busy quilting, so maybe a nother pic of a finish tonight. Also went to the LQS and LNS today and bought fabric to finish the seasonal house exchange on SBEBB and for something I am going to add to the summer exchange on a dutch yahoo list. Those pics will come after they are received.
Today I received block 9 of "Journey of a quilter" from Honeysucklecottage . There is still a package on it's way from them with block 1,2,3 and 5, but I am guessing that took a slow boat as it was send the 15th of May and still no sign of it. Not worried yet as a package that took the longest took more than 2 months, so after the 15th of July I am starting to get worried. Still I love their service. I now have to only piece together blocks 8 and 9 and will do that the coming weeks.
Also I have finished 1/3 of the next page of Little Red Riding Hood, which is a HEAD design as someone asked, and so it is going fast and I only stitched with two colors so far. Probaly a pic will follow at the end of the weekend, beginning of next week.
Also decided on my next BOM, it will be from Quilthuis Lieselotje my local LQS, she will have a BOM with catfabrics, very adorable and I saw both color variations today and they are both beautifull. Will be a hard decision, but I like the autumn colors a bit more, but we will see which one it will be.
Now I going to finish page 6 of little red riding hood and also work on the stitcheries on block 4.
I love how it came out and as Jeannette is my favorite designer I also loved stitching it. This is the design through which I found the beads for take time to quilt spring, but still have to do the beading on that one.
Suitcases are packed, bike is ready to be put onto the car and I am off for a nice long weekend with my mother. Will see you all monday.
as you can see real summer colors. I am totally in love with it. Now on to the quilting. Just "Zomer" looks a bit strange, it is done by machine.
Now I am going downstairs to work on Little red riding hood as it is to warm to be very busy. At least we have sun now as the first part of the week we heard it was warm in the netherlands and it was only 20 degrees here and no sun at all, when they said you could only be 15 minutes in the sun wednesday we really had a smile as we were happy if we had one minute of sun :-)
When the temperature goes down again I will go and quilt this one and the stripquilt I made last weekend.