Monday, June 04, 2007

A top in a weekend and a dj block.

Yesterday evening late. I finished this quilttop after a idea of Darlene of Quilting Daze . It is done from a Jellyroll and for the borders some extra fabrics. When I saw Darlene's quilt I totally agreed with myself that that was a great idea for a needleroll, I already had something with strips in mind, just couldn't find the right one. It is around 1.30 meter square. Now I have to go and think how to quilt it any ideas?
Than yesterday afternoon I finished also another DJ block. This one was much easier as it are all straight lines without any triangles or applique. It is my 12th square and they all look great together.
I have to go now for a fast breakfast and than of to work I go.


Anonymous said...

Wat een leuke quilt !Ja en dan dat quilten hé,moet daar ook steeds over nadenken.maar dat komt wel hoor.
12de DJ blokje mooi zo.

Melanie said...

I love this quilt!!! great summer colors. Aren't you working on a Leanne's House Piece? How's it going?

Emilie said...

You've had a busy weekend! The quilts look great.

Darlene said...

Wow! Your Jelly Roll quilt looks incredible! I'm glad I was able to inspire you to do that. That's what blogging is all about! :-)

Darlene said...

I just realized that you're working on Journey of a Quilter by Leanne Beasley. I'm getting ready to start working on that one, too. Your blocks looks great!

sara, the house of charm said...

Oh is that Folkloirqe? I can do that with the jellyroll I have.... I love how yoru sturned out!

Dawn T. said...

Both are beautiful! Great job:)

Michelle said...

Beautiful quilt! I love the colors in it. Congrats on finishing another DJ block.

monki said...

The quilt top looks fantastic! What a great idea! It makes me want to get back into my quilting again...