Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stashbusting report week 33

Yes I have been busting again. I started the finishing kit for the mysterie desiner bom and I am going very fast with it. Hope to have some sewing time again this coming week as the last 3 days were very busy with other things. Today I will just rest a bit.
Nothing came in, but I have a few orders coming in. 20 half yards in white and cream for some quilt I need some backgrounds for and I don't have any background fabric at all at the moment. So probaly will use them soon. Than an order for gobble gobble (2 layercakes and a bit of yardage for a miss rosie pattern). And block 3 of the mysterie designer bom. But lucky me that still all has to come in. But when I will have a bust also this week I will have still used more than came in and I have a bust in mind.

Fabric in week 33: 0 meter
Fabric used in week 33: 7.5 meter

Fabric in 2009: 77.45 meter
Fabric used in 2009: 90.6 meter

Fabric busted in 2009: 13.15 meter

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