Well I was already yesterday as my mother got sick, so we went home a day early, but the whole weekend was really great. We made a bikeride of 33 km in the hills, which was hard, but also some nice sightseeings. I have finished the stitcheries on block 6.
Now I going to finish page 6 of little red riding hood and also work on the stitcheries on block 4.
sorry to hear your mum got sick...
nice quilting block !
kwijl kwijl kwijl, zo mooi!!!
jammer dat je moeder ziek werd.
wel een rede om het snel eens over te doen
Those are lovely colours. Hope your mum's OK.
I love your quilt block. I'm working on the embroidery part of mine. My stitching is pretty rusty. I have not embroidered since I was a kid...
Love your blocks, I have to try that sometime. Sorry about your mom, I hope she feels better soon.
Wat is je blok leuk geworden met de stitcheri.Succes met de volgende
Great block - it looks beautiful. Hope your mom is feeling better.
Too bad about your mom getting sick, but it sounds like you had a nice time before that. I like block 6, especially the enjoy corner.
Hope ur mum feels better....ur block looks lovely, great stitching
Wishing your mother a speedy recovery! I love your quilting, it looks wonderful!
Hoi Heel mooie blok, ben hier terecht gekomen via de quiltkletsers.
Volg je een bepaald patroon voor deze blok?
Great Quiltxx
Glad to hear you had a good trip hope yoru Mum is feeling okay!
Wat jammer dat je moeder ziek werd. Leuk om te zien dat iedereen weer met andere kleuren en stoffen werkt voor de Journey! Ik heb block 2 af ben bezig aan block 1. Succes en beterschap voor je moeder!
Hi, have just found your blog, the block looks lovely. hope your mum fels better. Cheers from Australia!
Your block looks very nice Judith :-)
That is really beautiful! I love the colors and how you intergrated stitching and quilting. Sorry to hear about your mom.
I love your stitchery block. That is going to be a beautiful quilt. Can't wait to see it all together.
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