I am a woman from the Netherlands. I am married to John and we have a cat called Sjors. I love stitching and quilting very much and most post will be about that.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
How did I do on my febrary goals
1. Finish part 5 of MTM yes
2. Finish March stamp-it yes
3. Finish Maudiquilt no
4. Finish Chennaquilt no
5. Start and Finish Skiing from SB for the olympic challenge yes
6. Start and Finish Skating from SB for the olympic challenge yes
7. Work on my Mysteriequilt. Finish part 2 and part 3 and maybe part 4. yes and part 4 is half way finished
If I have time left:
8. Work on sheperd's needleroll from SB no
9. Work on Autumn Pocket yes finished
10. Work on TrickORTreat box yes finished
11. Start the Gerardquilt no
12. Work on NHA. no, but maybe tonight
Now I will go and think about my goals for march.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Autumn Pocket finished and a nice present from my mother

I saw it already in the shop where she bought this pattern and loved it the minute I saw it, but I also thought to difficult to make for me. My birthday was just perfect. We had a nice diner here ate home with my family and I cooked a nice tasty fishpie from Jamie Oliver for us and it was delicious every one loved it. I also got a nice chart from another girl in one of the groups I am. It was Tour des Marques from The Silver Lining which is a beautifull pic of a castle.

Than today I stitched on Autumn pocket to try and finish it and I survived as you can see here. A lot of mistakes also in the last part of the chart and I thought let's finish it in a pocket at once otherwise I will never do that as I relly hate it due to the errors in the chart.

Also haven't been much around on my block as I just was busy for my birthday and had to clean the house before my parents would come. My nephew still remembered me from last time and he did grow a lot since last time.
Now I will go and go stitching on March stamp-it and maybe finish that one also this month.
I couldn;t finish my goals for making the quilts as we are renovating the attick and we now just don;t have room at the moment to sandwich them.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
And another 2 goals finished for this month!!

Next to stitch is autumn pocket, maybe I will stay in this mood and finish that too.

Than I finished the third part of my mysteriequilt . The 16 blocks I have made I think will be arranged with the big blocks, like I have put them here, but it can also be totally different we will see in later parts. Now on to part 4, cutting 144 triangles.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
update trickortreat box

Here us an update of the box. I did do a lot this past days. I finished the stitching on part A (left part) and I started part B (middle one). I finished that part this morning and am now busy with side C, so I will update the pic tonight or tomorrow morning. I now have a good feeling about this one and I am trying to get it finished (the stitching) this week.
Also I got a lovely present from Carol in the mail yesterday. A tacky bob.
Than I opned the package from Mardeen and I just love the little present she gave me as I am a quilter and a catlover.
Than I opened the package from renae who send me gorgeous gifts as well.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
And today was mysteriequilt day..

Like every sunday these last weeks I have done my work on the mysteriequilt on sunday.
This was a very difficult block, but I think I managed ok if you don't look to close at it. The middle isn;t perfect, but hey I just made a small pic, so that you can't see it. Also done a lot of stitching on the just nan, but pic will follow tomorrow or later this week.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
And also skating finished!!!

Yeah I am on the finishing road here. I finished this afternoon skating while I was watching the first part of speed skating 1000 meter. We won bronze.
Now I am busy with Just Nan Trick Or Treat box, which is going fast too. Hope I will be able to finish it the coming month. I think I will change the goal of getting march stamp-it finished in working a lot on the box.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Skiing finished!!

I just finished skiing. This was one of my olympic challenges. I didn't choose a big one as I had already the feeling that this part of MTM would be big. So now I am glad I choose two small ones. I am now very busy with skating to get that one also finished. I think it will be tomorrow as I already done a lot on it today. The challenge is to start a piece during the opening ceremony and finish it before the olympics end. S I succeeded with this one. Now on to the next. Also tomorrow will be quilting day as I also have a lot of quilts to finish.
MTM part 5 finished!!!

Last night I finished the stitching on part 5 of Medieval Town Mandala, as it was very late and I had to go to bed (I watched the men's figure skating) I said well I have tomorrow off from work so that will be early enough to let everyone know.
I think this part and also some of the next parts will be hard for the slow stitchers to get finished in time for the next part will come out. I even think I will have some problems with that too in the next months as I have a busy shedulw with other things too.
Now I have to go and make sure I will finish some other goals.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Opened some birthdaygifts

I felt so sick these last days that I just had to open one of my gifts. It is from Donna and she send me some nice stuff. I got Winter sampler (with button), Summer Basket and Autmn ABC's (with button) from Lizie Kate. A nice chart for a keepsake and Easter Trio from Twisted threads. Also a cute freebie with a bear and a packet of needles.

Also I got a nice gift from Jacqueline some weeks ago, but never posted a pic and I just love this snowman very dearly. I hope to make it some day, just have to find some time to do it.
My mother jus called and she bought the fabric for a big quilt on their new bed. I designed the blocks, my father will cut the fabrics and also calculated how much she needs and she will be doing the patching and quilting. So yeah the whole family has helped with that quilt.
Now I am going downstairs to get going on MTM as I want to have it finished tomorrow.
I am now going to stitch on MTM again.
Monday, February 13, 2006

I have had a very busy weekend at my parents. The concours hippique went great and was nice, but very busy. Yesterday I was watching the 3000 meter for skating for woman and after that I just was tired and went to bed early. I finished the gold on MTM yesterday and today I did the specialty stitches on the third corner. Now on to the fourth. Hope to have it finished by thursday. With the olympics going I don;t have that much stitching time as I look to much at the contest. We dutch got our first gold medal yesterday. Friday I did some stitching on skiing from Sheperd's Bush and it is almost finished. So I am now sure I will complete 3 of my goals, just have to see how I can handle the rest. I think this weekend I have to start quilting like a crazy person LOL. I hope next part for MTM wil be smaller, but I doubt it, I think the big brown houses above the porches get their turn now.
Also I will be doing a LTD sal together with carol and KarenV I just have to decide if it will be Irisch garden or colonial garden. Both are beautifull.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Third corner almost ready!!

I have been busy stitching on MTM all day. I am almost done with the third corner. Only a bit of ocean blue left to do and some specialty stitches and the gold on it. I am loving it every day a bit more. I hope the next portion will be not so huge as now I am not keeping up with my goals. As of how it goes now. I think it will be finished around thursday. Tonight I am not working on this one and tomorrow also not as I than will have a concours hippique where I have to put all the results in the computer behind the right person. I will be gone till sundaymorning as we will sleep at my parents place as it is in a place close to their home.
Now I am going to start skiing and skating from Sheperd's Bush for the olympic challenge.
Thanks for all the compliments.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I am getting there!!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I have been spoiled!!

When I just got home I had a package from Colleen in my mailbox. She always has a contest every year about how many finishes she will have that year. I guessed right for 2005 and so I won some stash. And here is the pic of what I have received. It is some DMC and two skiens of Northern Lights silk in beautifull colors.
one pack of beads and one Mill Hill glass treasure.
"Daisy Lane Cottage" from Little house needleworks, didn't have any or their charts yet, but I like the look of theirs and wanted to buy one.

"20 flowers"from Just Nan an exclusive design for the silver needle, which I have looked at already for some times, but didn;t have the money to buy it. So yeah I am one happy girl now. Also got a envelope for my birthday from a birthdayclub I am in, but can't open it till my birthday the 25 of this month.
Sunday I cut the triangles and squares from part 1 I still had to cut from my favorite fabric. So a pic of part 1 and what we had to do for that one. you can see. Also a pic of part 2 which was finished yesterday evening. The 22 blocks came out of my nose at the end, but I am happy I got them finished. Now I can start with part 3. LOL part 4 is hard again as we have to cut 144 triangles. But I can remember that part 3 is only to make 16 blocks or something like that, will have to take a look later this week.
Also I worked on MTM yesterday, but didn't do a big lot of stitching. Here is a pic of the second corner.

Sunday, February 05, 2006
Have been patching today and some stitching on Medeval Town Mandala

Yesterday I finished the gold on this first ccorner of MTM.
I started the specialty stitches and today I finished the rest of the first corner and started the second. I don;t think I will finish it before friday and friday I have to start two others for the olypic challenge in one of my groups. We have to start a piece during the opening ceremony and finish it while the olypics are still there. I chose two small pieces that I already wanted to stitch for awhile, both from sheperd's bush. I think I will take one with me saturday when we have a concours hippique where I have to watch the result and the computer the whole day. It is an easy job, so I think I will be able to stitch or read a bit. We have to be there 12 hours!!
I also worked on my mysteriequilt and from the 22 times I had to do one of blocks I did it now 12 times, so still 10 to go, but they are all cut in squares and triangles already, so only the sewing is left to do. I hope to finish them tuesday when I have a half day off fro work. Than I can start part 2.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
New pic of MTM!!

I have done some nice stitching on MTM again. The corner is getting a shape. I only have to fill in the gold floss and the specialty stitches.
Yesterday I was in the morning at my parents as my nephew Job had his birthday wednesday, but they live across the country, so wednesday was not a good day for us to go there. He liked the present I gave him a lot and he still remembered me from the week of the skiingtrip.
This afternoon we are going to my in laws as my MIL has her birthday. I don't look forward to it, but hey we have to go.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Haad a nice day!!

Yesterday I went to Den Bosch to the quiltstore to meet other people making the same mysteriequilt and they looked great. It was nice to see that how a block looks totally different when it is made with other colors. I like the blue blakground (green is my background color) with yellow and orange colors as the headcolor (rose for me) also a lot and one with red and purple.
Now I have to go and do the rest of the blocks. I think I will do a lot on it sunday.
The 31st of january I have stitched on the march stamp-it and I had some nice progress.

I just had to stop, because the 5th part of MTM came in the e-mail and I want to have it finished before the olympics begins as I have two challenges to stitch than.
I started MTM wednesday and you can see I had some nice progress. I have to say those are big corners and I do them one by one. This is the first corner.
I am reading the first part of Harry Potter at the moment and I really love it. I am already more than half way in it. I have read in the train yesterday and today and I was in the train for 5 hours, so enough time to read it. I think it will be maybe finished next week.
Now it is time to go stitching on MTM again.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Goals for february
2. Finish the Mrs Piek quilt yes
3. Finish two quilts for Mica and Chenna yes
4. Start Autumn Pocket from Beardiedesigns and stitch a lot on it in my vacation yes but not finished
5. If I have time left I want to start and maybe finish block 18 of NHA I have not stitched on this one, but stitched and finished January stampit and February stamp-it
Goals for February:
1. Finish part 5 of MTM
2. Finish March stamp-it
3. Finish Maudiquilt
4. Finish Chennaquilt
5. Start and Finish Skiing from SB for the olympic challenge
6. Start and Finish Skating from SB for the olympic challenge
7. Work on my Mysteriequilt. Finish part 2 and part 3 and maybe part 4.
If I have time left:
8. Work on sheperd's needleroll from SB
9. Work on Autumn Pocket
10. Work on TrickORTreat box
11. Start the Gerardquilt
12. Work on NHA.