Sunday, February 26, 2006

Autumn Pocket finished and a nice present from my mother

First of all I want to show something I received from my mother yesterday for my birthday. I really love this bag she made. It is done by quilting and also some sewing, but I just love my new bag with this great colors. As she is still a beginner. I am very proud of her. I will honor this for a very long time. Now I just have to go and make her something too :-)
I saw it already in the shop where she bought this pattern and loved it the minute I saw it, but I also thought to difficult to make for me. My birthday was just perfect. We had a nice diner here ate home with my family and I cooked a nice tasty fishpie from Jamie Oliver for us and it was delicious every one loved it. I also got a nice chart from another girl in one of the groups I am. It was Tour des Marques from The Silver Lining which is a beautifull pic of a castle.
Than today I stitched on Autumn pocket to try and finish it and I survived as you can see here. A lot of mistakes also in the last part of the chart and I thought let's finish it in a pocket at once otherwise I will never do that as I relly hate it due to the errors in the chart.
Also haven't been much around on my block as I just was busy for my birthday and had to clean the house before my parents would come. My nephew still remembered me from last time and he did grow a lot since last time.
Now I will go and go stitching on March stamp-it and maybe finish that one also this month.
I couldn;t finish my goals for making the quilts as we are renovating the attick and we now just don;t have room at the moment to sandwich them.


Meari said...

What a unique bag! Your mother did a nice job.

Carol said...

Oh, what a gorgeous bag! Your mom is aces!!!!!!!

Well done with the Autumn Pocket :-)

Gulp... another password fast approaching!

BeckySC said...

That's a beautiful bag from your Mom :)

Love the Autumn Pocket! Stunning!

Annemarie said...

Hoi Judith, thanks for posting on my blog! Nice to see you there. I visited here a couple of times before, but you know how it is with comments... I love the bag your mother made for you! Stunning colours. The autumn pocket is gorgeous. Very clever that you went ahead and finished it straight away.

Anonymous said...

hi Judith,
I just love the bag your mother made you. Oh, I forgot: happy birthday, though I'm a bit late!
Whenever I see something like that I'm immediately thinking: I want to make that too! But -luckely- I forget fast too... You can't always have what you want lol
I love the Autumn pocket too, but I understand what you're saying about the mistakes. You're probably the only person who'll notice, but you do.
It's great though, really.
good luck with renovating your attick!